Additional Installation & Object-Based Artwork
College | 2016 | old posters, art theory textbooks
College is a collection of my old boyhood posters stacked on the floor with the corners held down by four different art theory textbooks used during my graduate degree program. There is both the notion here of being held down by the weight of what academia, even a fine art program, can bestow and the reality of being opened to a world of ideas. These posters, collected through many years and adorning many of my bedrooms, man caves and studios through the years, were being uncurled from their tightly bound state in storage. In order to open and flatten them back out I grabbed the nearest things at hand — an assortment of heady art theory books I had in my studio. The art here came as a surprise and was a good lessons that sometimes the simple recognition of a gesture or object as a thing existing beyond what it is can be the sweetest expression of what art is capable of yielding.