APOLOGIES, Solo Graduate Thesis Exhibition, 2016, Underside Gallery, Harrison Center for the Arts, Indianapolis, IN
Artist Statement
This current body of work is an exploration of masculine traditions seen through the scope of my own tenuous relationship with such standards. As I examine the validity of these norms I am also peeling back the layers of my own journey into manhood and further, into personhood. Through moments of nostalgia, acutely real displays of vulnerability, and gently outlandish humor, this work is as much an act of self-location as a critique on the frivolity of attempting to cast one’s identity in the mold of gender stereotypes.
SWEET SPOT, 2015, Solo Exhibition, 646 Gallery, Indianapolis, IN
Artist Statement
A large portion of my work as an artist is centered on investigating the themes of beauty and structure and these things function not only within myself but empirically in vast and unknowable universe which surrounds us. Most often my attention is drawn, with these themes in mind, to that which occurs as the design of some Great Spirit and that which is manifest by the hand of man. However for me these to attraction are no longer split as they have been for so many years. The need for reconciliation is over and this work is meant to set both avenues equal under the scope of beauty. There exists in this endeavor a kind of “Sweet Spot” for bringing these to worlds together in a work of art, which, as I have discovered is thing not known but rather felt.